I come from a large extended family of talented individuals. Most of my 48 first cousins are excellent singers. A lot of us are artists, too. My aunts can make anything. Some of us dabble in painting.
My cousin Heidi makes the most amazing wedding dresses.
I can upholster your car, but I don't want to, so don't ask me.
My cousin Jake has an Etsy shop where he sells his custom belt buckles. So does my niece, Erika. Have an Etsy shop I mean, not make belt buckles. She makes clothing ...AND by the way- sings. Duh. Only this family member is really taking her talent places. She works very hard. She's serious. And good. I'd like to think she gets her talent from my side of the family, but you should hear her mother...WOW! My brother did good! He sings, too. Duh. She's very pretty AND the sweetest person you will ever know. She is tearing it up in San Diego. If you are ever there for a vacation or anything, you should see her perform. She has her own style and it is all about the VOCAL chords baby! Kinda old, old school, a little jazzy, all Erika.
Just recently, she got snatched up to be in this cute little commercial. You might have already seen it on tv. Check her out. She's not a hiker, she's the singer. Way to go! p.s. visit her Etsy shop and buy her cd. Nothing like a little plug for family.