Sunday, December 12, 2010

My First Art Competition!

I finally got accepted into an art competition. It's the "Best and the Brightest" show at the Scottsdale Artist's School. I did this painting of a sweet girl in my church. I just loved the way she turned her feet.

Now, here's the problem, I have to frame it and I can't decide which frame to use. I personally like a gold frame for portraits, but black is all the rage right now. Maybe you guys can weigh in and help me decide. Here is the black frame:

Clean, simple and unadorned. Would look good in a Tuscan style home.

Here is the gold frame. Classic, timeless and a little flashy. What to do, what to do...

So, I need you to post in the comments which style you prefer as I have to have this thing delivered by Wednesday. Yikes!

Oh, and I am not the only artist in my home. Look at what my Art Girl did. A mother couldn't be any prouder.

Now, go vote.